Nestled in the hills of the Argolic Plains in the Pelopononesse in Southern Greece, overlooking the UNESCO heritage site of Ancient Mycenae, home of the Tomb of Agamemnon, we bring you Mykini. We are a small family run business with olive oil in our veins.

From cultivation through to harvesting and pressing, we craft our cold pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil following traditional methods as generations of our forefathers have done before us. Our grove basks in the warmth of the Peloponessian sun, and is steeped in some of the most fertile soil in the region. She sits perched on the hilltop, perfectly situated between the surrounding mountains that shield her from the salty air of the Argolic gulf and the harshness of the Greek winter.

Our ethos is quality over quantity. We tirelessly work to ensure that our olives are of the utmost quality before we harvest early and press and bottle in the same day to capture an unparalleled freshness.

Generations of our family have enjoyed Mykini Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and our mission is to now bring it to the world. We hope you enjoy it too.

Mykini Grove